Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rockbridge/Montauk Fishing Trip 2/08/15

Dan and I had an enjoyable fly fishing trip to south central Missouri last week to Montauk State Park, the Current River, and Rockbridge Trout Ranch. The water was a little low but we caught some fish in each place, all rainbows except we both caught a brown trout in the Current. Best flies seemed to be the wooly bugger, hares ear, prince nymph, midges, and glo balls. We got lucky and found good food each day, which is not normal. Since Rockbridge cleans and freezes the fish, we both brought some home this time. Weather was strange with the highs in the 70's, 50's, and 30's. Only one day was a little uncomfortable.
And here are some additional pictures:!246&authkey=!ALvvleyU6LZCIJU&ithint=folder%2cjpg